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LGC ASSURE Insights Edition 3

LGC ASSURE Insights analyses issues in food safety and supply chain assurance. Issue 3 is on sustainability and Environmental and Social Governance

23 May 2022

Delivering a sustainable supply chain

Welcome to the third edition of LGC ASSURE Insights, a free digital newsletter to support your food safety management journey. If you didn’t manage to catch the first two editions that gave a deep dive into Listeria monocytogenes and allergens, respectively then why not sign up to get future copies? Click here to them to your inbox.

In this edition I want to focus on sustainability but, recognising the enormity of this, I hope to provide an overview for those new to this topic and then delve into elements of reporting and governance. But, before diving into sustainability, here’s a customary overview of some interesting current affairs including a few issues and incidents happening across the world.

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